It's January 2020. I'm settling into my temporary home in Madison, MS, as I begin my internship, two months before the internship concludes and I accept an offer to return full-time, nineteen months before I move to Ridgeland and do just that. I hadn't really gone out to explore any local cuisine just yet, but on this particular day I head down the road to pick up some Pizza Hut. Yes, I know -- Pizza Hut is far from the ideal first choice for a restaurant outing in a new town. Pizza Hut isn't even my favorite amongst all the different chain pizza joints. But this particular Pizza Hut had caught my eye. This wasn't just any ordinary Pizza Hut, you see. It's special. Not just a Pizza Hut... this is The Hut.
The Hut
It's June 2009. Pizza Hut executives are strategizing how to combat the chain's significant decline in sales amid the recession. In addition to introducing healthier ingredients like multigrain crust and all-natural tomato sauce, the executives decide that one way to win back customers is to introduce a new brand image. Out is the old, burdensome, clunky name "Pizza Hut." In is the new, shorter, more accessible "The Hut."
The truncated name "ties in nicely with today's texting generation," explained Brian Niccol, Pizza Hut CMO. "We wanted to make sure that Pizza Hut and 'The Hut' become common vernacular for our brand." Spokesman Christopher Fuller echoed the sentiment: "We think that 'The Hut' is to Pizza Hut as Coke is to Coca-Cola."
For their part, Pizza Hut's consumers did not, in fact, share this sentiment. In fact, most of them lambasted the effort, and Pizza Hut quickly clarified that "The Hut" was intended just as a nickname, not as a full rebrand. The Pizza Hut name would remain on its stores and as the official name of the company. Nonetheless, certain locations did receive "The Hut" rebrands, and the pizza-less moniker also adorned some newly redesigned, bold red packaging for a brief period.
Image courtesy idsgn |
Image courtesy idsgn |
"iHut." Even worse. Image source unknown |
Ultimately, though, it's clear to see that this experiment was painfully laughable and a fast failure, a mostly-forgotten piece of Pizza Hut's history. Except, that is, at a select few locations such as the Pizza Hut on Highway 51 in Madison, where the strange wordmark still resides on the exterior of the building and a long-outdated mural of "The Hut" greets customers on the interior wall. The intention of the name may have been to signify that the restaurant serves more than just pizza, but "The Hut" doesn't particularly evoke a restaurant that serves food at all.
Exterior view |
Close-up of the logo. Note that this location used the full "Pizza Hut" wordmark, which is likely why there hasn't been any more urgency to replace it with a newer logo over the years. |
Interior mural, daytime |
Interior mural, nighttime. I picked up a menu during the day so as to have an excuse to visit twice. Yes, I lead an exciting life. |
Logo lit up at night |
The Shack
It's August 2009. In another corporate boardroom somewhere, RadioShack executives have decided that their company, too, needs a boost. And what better way to do that than to reinvent their brand image so that it better appeals to younger consumers? Radios are such an outdated thing, in the age of netbooks and the revolutionary new Windows 7. RadioShack, it was decided, needed to ditch the radio. In turn, the company would become known solely as "The Shack."

Naturally, many consumers and media outlets couldn't help comparing the introduction of "The Shack" to that of "The Hut," which was still fresh in everyone's mind from only two months earlier. "So while Pizza Hut is starting to call themselves The Hut, RadioShack is now toying with the idea of The Shack," wrote Eli Altman of A Hundred Monkeys. "Is it just me, or is this slowly starting to spiral out of control? Let's take bets on when Burger King becomes The King, or when Wal-Mart becomes The Mart and Safeway and Subway are deadlocked in a legal battle for The Way. I know times are tight, but contrary to popular belief, cutting your name in half won't save you any money.
"While the concept of blending in and commodifying your company might sound good in theory, it's actually very hard to pull off," Altman continues. "For The Shack and The Hut, it comes down to the difference between what they say and what they do. Nothing about RadioShack feels like a shack and nothing about Pizza Hut feels like a hut. There's too much plastic and cheap carpet. Let's not forget that huts and shacks aren't that cool anyway. Of all places to get a pizza, would you go to a hut? No. If you were looking for a flux capacitor or some other little electronic gizmo, is that something you think you'd find in a shack? No f'ing way."
For his part, RadioShack CMO Lee Applebaum defended the name change by stating that "Our customers, associates, and even the investor community have long referred to RadioShack as 'The Shack.' So, we decided to embrace that fact and share it with the world. The Shack speaks to consumers in a fresh, new voice and distinctive, creative look that reinforces RadioShack's authority in innovative products, leading brands, and knowledgeable, helpful associates."
Applebaum's defense didn't really do much to quell the taunting, though. As a matter of fact, Mark Simon Burk of Make Brilliant Ideas noted that he started asking around, "and despite what agency Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners claim, we haven't found a single person who ever called it 'The Shack.' And though the agency maintains it's an employee inner circle term, none of the employees at our local RadioShack ever use it. Or at least, they don't admit to using it."
Vocalizing the comparison on everyone's minds, Burk continues, "You'd have thought agency and client would have learned a lesson from Pizza Hut when it tried to become The Hut, as in the cool place where everyone comes to hang. But so goes the myopia of most brands. It's hard for them not to see themselves as the center of their universe."
The thing is, RadioShack's rebrand could have stopped there and ultimately made it off fine. Pizza Hut became a laughingstock for a while, but never really went all-in on The Hut and ultimately was able to continue operations as normal, with most consumers forgetting the ill-fated name change ever existed. The Shack, on the other hand, devoted the majority of its $200 million advertising budget in 2009 to its new, "cool, hip" personality. Which, of course, made it much harder to forget, inviting even more ridicule. As you'll see below, The Hut was relatively innocuous compared to The Shack, which successfully reached multiple levels of cringeworthy.
Image courtesy Marketing 3.0 |
"'Our friends call us The Shack.' So claims the newly rebranded RadioShack in an attempt to be down with the kids," wrote. "It's almost embarrassing, like seeing your grandfather listening to an iPod and riding a single speed track bike. Wait, that would actually be cool."
Eli Altman, from above, agreed, asking, "Since when does trying to sound younger appeal to younger people? Trying to be younger is, like, something old people do." Randall Hull from The Br@nd Ranch opined, "The current trend to truncate brand names is puzzling. Is this an attempt to beguile the text-message obsessed youth market, where everything is 'abrv8d'? Or drive up sales through brand-brevity because we lack long attention spans?"
For a failed marketing initiative over a decade old, I was able to locate a surprising amount of The Shack propaganda online. And it's bad. Real bad. Shopping bags read "The Shack thanks you"; gift cards proclaim "The Shack has been gifted." Don't say I haven't warned you before you check out
this website and the images below.
Shopping bag. Image (ironically) courtesy TheStreet |
Gift card. Image courtesy Colnect |
The Shack branding inside a store. Image source unknown |
There are so many things wrong with this. Image source unknown |
I have no words. Image courtesy Danica Himberg |
The City
It's October 2007. The Hut and The Shack are both just unborn ideas in some executives' heads, not to materialize for another half of a year at least. Electronics giant Circuit City has stepped ahead of the game. This month, they announced plans to test "new concept stores dubbed 'The City,' with a new look and interactive layout in an attempt to give customers a new shopping experience."
It might be out of line for me to speculate on this, but based on the research I've done, it seems that The City had a much better value proposition behind it than either of The Hut or The Shack. That's because the latter two seemed mostly focused on reinventing the brand image alone, with little to no change to the existing business; whereas for The City, the retailer was experimenting with an entirely new store format. Wrote Alan Wolf in January 2008:
The concept stores embody "a portfolio of ideas" culled from two years' worth of "innovation work" in the company's Boston and Miami lab stores, said Steve Pappas, small-stores president and point person on the project. ... [At 20,000 square feet, The City's] smaller footprint is more productive than the chain's typical 33,000-square-foot box, Pappas said, thanks to shrinking product dimensions. The new stores are also merchandised more efficiently, with narrower but deeper assortments of best-selling, high-margin products. Modular fixtures allow The City stores to quickly alter the mix as demand changes. ... "It's very early on in the process, but we've had very positive feedback," Pappas said. The City "allows us to look at trade areas in a different way," giving the company greater flexibility to enter new markets and backfill existing ones. While Pappas was mum on the company's long-term plans, he said most Circuit City stores opening in 2009 will likely be in The City format.
"The City" exterior. Image source unknown |
Newly redesigned interior. Looks pretty good! Image source unknown |
"Find your rhythm in the city." Yep, can't wait. Image courtesy Momentum Design Studio |
For some reason I can't help but be reminded of this as I look at this picture. Image courtesy Record Online |
Of course, The City, like The Hut and The Shack, wasn't long for this world. Circuit City went bankrupt and ceased operations in 2009, rather than opening the projected 75 to 100 new stores that year. And while this company's adaptation of "The Name" wasn't without its own overblown copy designed to hype up the rebrand --
this redesign website describes the new interior as "Think Apple store meets high school science lab with a free-flowing layout and the coolest technology everywhere you look" (see also the bottom two images above) -- I still stand by my statement that The City had the highest promise out of any of these three failed initiatives.
Yes, the name was a joke. Circuit City was no less subject than Pizza Hut or RadioShack to the risks that came with shortening its name: "Giving a nickname for a brand, it's a tricky thing," chief creative officer at The Brand Union, Richard Bates, said at the time. "If a client does it or a consumer does, it's a way to claim ownership. If you impose it... there's a little bit of danger." Likewise, any backlash Circuit City got for the name was just as rightfully earned as the poor responses to Pizza Hut and RadioShack's attempts. But at least The City had a well-thought-out, innovative new store format to go with it... and not just an ill-conceived desire to try and integrate a younger, cooler version of itself back into people's lives.
Other "The"s
Despite the questionable choices and branding failures referenced above (both The Hut and The Shack landed on
this list of "5 of the worst rebranding disasters"), other companies over the years have continued to decide that taking some shortened part of their name and sticking "The" in front of it is, for some reason, still a desirable marketing effort. In their defense, at least, some of these brands have had better success than The City, The Hut, or The Shack. A few examples are highlighted below.

In 2015, Denny's debuted "The Den," a fast-casual concept aimed at hitting "the sweet spot for Millennial diners." Greg Powell, Denny's vice president of concept innovation, expressed, "This is meant to be a concept we can take to Millennials, not only on college campuses but in urban centers and other places" where presumably the creatures may be found in their natural habitats: "It's a Denny's built for them." Reinforcing the idea that Millennials are somehow an entirely separate species, the menu was reconfigured to feature, among other things, a line of "Millennial-friendly" breakfast burgers, and yes, that's an actual quote.
Currently, according to their website, The Den has five locations across the US, all on college campuses. I'm unsure if these locations no longer exist or if they simply aren't advertised publicly on the website (which would make sense), but it's worth noting that the National Restaurant News article I'm referencing also points out that the Den is "expanding at military bases." Powell, for his part, concedes that military members are "a different demographic" than Millennials, but maintains that the concept is still relevant to that application. (What a relief.)

In late 2019, Big Lots debuted "a new merchandising effort dubbed 'The Lot' in six stores, part of a transformational journey the retailer refers to as Operation North Star." Since that time, the concept seems to have expanded chainwide, as evidenced by my discovery of The Lot at the Southaven, MS, store, as pictured above from July 2020. According to Big Lots CEO Bruce Thorn, "The Lot will be an innovation engine for the store, bringing newness, freshness, and novelty with traffic driving assortments in new categories like apparel that expand our right to play." Because, naturally, it is entirely feasible that an inanimate corporate entity exists in some physical form and, moreover, has determined it must demonstrate an affinity for whimsy in order to win over more consumers.

This one, at least, has existed for a long time before The City, The Hut, The Shack, The Den, or The Lot (any other "The"s y'all can think of?). In fact, the image above is a screengrab from their 2001 (!) annual report. I think "The Zone" has found success where a majority of those others have not because it's been in use for such an established period of time and, specifically, its use has been primarily as a slogan, not as an outright replacement of the "AutoZone" name. It also helps that it's got
that catchy jingle that goes along with it.
Finally, our last "The" example isn't a business, but is at least a businessman. I also have no clue how or why this name came about, but it seems to have stuck. Technically, he also held another "The" title for four years. But this isn't a politics site, so I won't go any further on that.
Thanks, as always, for reading The Blog. Until next time, have fun exploring the retail world wherever you are!
Retail Retell
Funny stuff! At the risk of sounding too political, it's notable that only one of these things was successful and not a complete disaster, and it's not the last one 😉 I knew about The City and The Shack, but somehow completely missed The Hut (apart from their slogan mentioning it that I believe is still in use, somehow), The Den, and The Lot!
ReplyDeleteRealistically, Autozone is the only one of these that makes any sense, both because they haven't tried to get rid of their real name and because "in the zone" is a real phrase of its own rather than something contrived by overpriced marketing consultants.
Ha -- fair enough! And I'm glad you mentioned Pizza Hut's slogan, also. There were several elements that I had originally envisioned including in this post, but ultimately cut a) because it was extraneous to the core point, and b) simply because it made it quicker to write, lol. Pizza Hut's classic logo rebrand and current slogan were two of those items. It is indeed worth mentioning that the slogan states "No one outpizzas *the hut*," but I'm not certain if that's a deliberate reference to this failed experiment or if it was derived separately whenever that slogan was concocted.
DeleteYep, I agree! Great use of "contrived," also... that was a word in one of the quotes from my research that didn't make it into the post.
Believe it or not, 2009 wasn't the first time Radio Shack referred to themselves as 'The Shack'. It's something 'The Shack' did as far back as 1976 at the very least back when 'The Shack' wasn't a place to get a cell phone, but rather a place to get a CB radio! Check out page 3 (page 2 in the flipbook) of the 1976 Radio Shack catalog on the following link and you'll see what I'm talking about! Link:
ReplyDeleteOn the topic of 'The Shack' and 'The Zone', it should be mentioned that AutoZone was originally named AutoShack until Tandy/Radio Shack complained and claimed that they were 'The Shack'. Ok, maybe they didn't quite say that, lol, but they did not want another 'Shack' other than themselves so AutoShack had to become AutoZone. For some Mid-South retail nostalgia, check out this old AutoShack commercial from 1987! It's actually from an old VHS tape of mine and my VCR. I captured this commercial and donated the digitized version to Mike from HHR. Link:
Do you remember when Shaq was a spokesman for RadioShack and they referred to themselves as RadioShaq?
I actually didn't know about The Lot or The Den. Maybe I did read about them and found it so absurd that I refused to commit it to memory, lol. I do remember The Hut. Thankfully, that didn't take off so we were able to get the classic Pizza Hut logo later on. I also remember The City, but I never did go to one. I found Circuit City stores in general built after the 'Plug Store' era to be rather bland and I didn't shop in them all that often compared to the store they were trying to emulate with their later designs, Best Buy. Of course, we also had Fry's Electronics and MicroCenter in town so even Best Buy wasn't the first choice in electronics in Houston.
A co-worker and I actually refer to Burger King as 'The King'. I'm not sure how that came to be, but we both find Burger King to be quite good so maybe it is a sign of respect for 'The King'. Of course, I'm also prone to referring to Burger King as 'The Home of the Whopper'. Even if that is not a common slogan for Burger King these days, I think just about everyone knows that I am referring to Burger King!
Home Depot does refer to themselves as The Home Depot I do believe. Hopefully they don't start calling themselves The Depot or else there might be some confusion with Office Depot. I suppose Office Depot could always call themselves 'The Max' instead. That would be kind of neat!
Wow -- great catch! I think you may finally have found proof in support of the ad agency's claim that "The Shack" was actually an internal term! Hopefully the phrase was used sometime more recently than 1976, though, because otherwise I still don't think that would sit well with the agency's claim that "The Shack" was a more modern rebrand :P
DeleteSeriously though, neat find. I also was not familiar with AutoZone's origins as "AutoShack." That's pretty wild! Awesome commercial you captured. I love how their logo is still the same, just with "Zone" instead!
Yes -- I actually found a screengrab of that and had it saved alongside my other pictures for this post! Like I was telling Northwest Retail though, that's one of the items that ultimately didn't make the cut.
Ha! Refusing to commit something to memory is unfortunately common with retail decisions sometimes XD I never was (and still am not) a big shopper at electronics stores in general, so I didn't really have much of a loyalty on the Best Buy/Circuit City debate. One article I found asked if Best Buy was going to rebrand themselves just as "Buy," lol.
Funny that you actually do call BK "The King"! I guess that's a sign of respect indeed. And yes, "Home of the Whopper" is hard to associate with any other place of business!
LOL -- that's yet another part of the post I cut, an area where I was gonna propose more "The" names XD "The Club," "The Secret," and "The Depot" were among them. I'm seriously glad you mentioned Office Depot is the other one -- I had written in my notes from two years ago that "The Depot" could refer to "either one," but for the life of me when I was looking them over yesterday Home Depot was all I could think of!
One thing I noticed in that 1976 Radio Shack catalog is that 'The Shack' seemed to be a registered trademark. I decided to search the US Trademarks database to see if I could pull up information about 'The Shack' and Tandy/Radio Shack did register that trademark many times over the years. Perhaps one of the more interesting uses of it was in the mid-1990s when Radio Shack decided to call their order-by-phone system '1-800-The-Shack'. You can see information about that on page 2 of the 1995 Radio Shack catalog:
DeleteSo it indeed does seem that 'The Shack' had been used on and off by Radio Shack publicly for many years prior to 2009. Internally, I'm not sure, but I would guess it was used internally as well.
While playing around in the trademark search database, I see that a trademark was established in 2005 and abandoned in 2007 for Home Depot Financial Mortgage Services LLC where their slogan was "YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME HOME AT THE DEPOT". I don't know if Home Depot was planning to get into home mortgages or what. Given what happened to the home mortgage business in the late 2000s, perhaps it was good that Home Depot skipped out on that!
Here is the link to the trademark search. Use the basic search:
It just came to me, but it seems that around here at least, the YMCA has been calling themselves 'The Y' in recent years. That might go back some years as I've heard people call it 'The Y' for decades now, but it seems that the YMCA has embraced that name here in recent times.
Back to Depot for a second, Kmart called their Ross type store in the 1980s 'Designer Depot'. Also, Burlington Coat Factory used to refer to their baby department as Baby Depot. Certainly Designer Depot is mostly forgotten about these days so I think 'The Depot' confusion would mostly make people think of one of two stores!
Perhaps it would be wise for Best Buy to call themselves The Buy! You'd be surprised how many people, mostly old timers, even to this day think that Best Buy is somehow related to Best Products!
Interesting! That definitely changes things. I guess at least some of the ridicule was unwarranted, then, but even if we can no longer disprove the name wasn't used before 2009, there's still the matter that the *way* they used it and the personality/attitude they tried to attribute to "The Shack" as if it was a living being was pretty laughable. Thanks for digging into that (and for providing the link).
DeleteYikes -- yeah, it's probably for the best that Home Depot stayed out of that, lol! Good point about "The Y" as well. That one I have heard and never thought much about. Like you, I'm pretty sure I've heard uses of that going back decades, including when my mom was a child.
Baby Depot I was familiar with; Designer Depot, not so much, although I'm pretty sure you have at least mentioned it before. And that's surprising about people confusing Best Buy with Best Products still!
After doing my shopping at "The Shack" and "The City", I'll swing by "The Hut" for lunch, before my meeting with "The Donald"! Txt u l8r! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post on "The Blog", and you got a number of laughs out of me with this one! "The City" opened a store where I used to live back in late 2008 or early 2009. I remember seeing the logo on the front of the building, but never went inside during the short time it was open. The City at least looked promising from the photos you shared of the new store prototype. The Hut and The Shack...not so much. I think Pizza Hut's new retro path was a better idea than the "trying to be cool" path. Still neat that one of your local Pizza Huts has the rare branding presently, considering how well The Shack and The City fared.
As for "The Lot", I'm still confused about Big Lots and if they're trying to be a closeout store or not. It seems like they keep changing their mind on that aspect of the business, although "The Lot" has brought back a lot of weird items that Big Lots hasn't carried in years (like clothes, TVs, bicycles, fitness equipment, etc.).
DeleteThanks, glad I could make you laugh! The subject matter here was just too absurd not to poke fun at. That's cool that you had a location of "The City" near you. Circuit City opened a new store in Collierville (across from Carriage Crossing) that only lasted a few short months before closing in the first round of stores when Circuit City embarked on the path to its demise. (It later became a Burkes Outlet, and is now a Goodwill.) Sadly I've never been able to confirm whether or not it was branded as "The City"... the roadside sign had the chain's full name, but then again so did all of the "The City" storefronts I've seen pictures of. The timeframe it opened in suggests it could have been part of the "The City" experiment, or at least of that store format if not also bearing the name, anyway. But I guess we'll never know for sure...
I agree that Pizza Hut's retro rebrand is so much better than whatever "The Hut" was trying to be. I was originally going to mention that in this post, as well as the new "Pizza Hut Classic" stores if I decided to get really deep into it, but ultimately felt that all that kinda detracted too much from the narrative. It is cool to see some old "The Hut" branding still hanging around, though, and as a matter of fact I was poking around Google Maps one day and it appears a number of Jackson-area locations actually continue to have some "The Hut" branding inside. There must've been a big franchisee remodel push around here at that time -- unfortunate timing, in hindsight...
Yeah, I'm confused, too. I always liked the closeout aspect better, and I guess maybe they're trying to use "The Lot" to integrate that sort of thing back into their stores while still keeping a more regular stream of merchandise in the rest of the salesfloor? Whatever the case, "The Lot" is certainly interesting to browse through, like you said...
Great article! As for the Den, they do still exist. I actually go to a college (Marshall University in West Virginia) where one is located, and it is always popular on campus (albeit with weird hours and not with the full menu planned at its inception). Like most Denny's locations, the food is pretty hit-or-miss, but it's a popular place for people to hang out due to being the only dining option at our campus that is open late. As a lover of retail, I've been trying to do my own research into the Den (as well as this whole trend of calling things by "the insert shortened version here", but not much has come up, and I was thrilled to see that one of my favorite retail blogs was also looking into the same subject. Again, fantastic article and keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for all the compliments! It always makes my day to hear from someone who has been looking into the same subject matter and enjoys the same interests. Glad you decided to reach out, and thanks for the confirmation on The Den on the Marshall University campus also. That makes sense about it being popular given that it's open late -- I know some places on my college campus that were the same way, haha. And unsurprising also to hear it's hit-or-miss... I actually had my very first Denny's experience a couple months ago, and I was looking forward to it, but was sadly very disappointed in most aspects. Oh well, such is the nature of the business, I suppose. Good luck with the rest of your education!
DeleteLike you, I'm not typically inclined to dine at Pizza Hut, but "The Hut" seems to make me want it even less. At least you were able to add some excitement to your life the day you visited "The Hut"!
ReplyDeleteI tots wnt my BB frm THE SHACK!
After all THE SHACK IS ON FIRE -- If only they were selling the Galaxy Note 7 at that time!
I would also like a burger on the side of my "Millennial-friendly" avocado toast from The Den (NGL, Avcdo tst is pdg). Furthermore, it just makes sense for a Millennial-friendly concept's next target audience to be active members of the military! This war against all of the Boomer parents is just making me hangry!
Anyway, like AFB, you also got a number of laughs out of me. Call me Patrick Star, but I must live under a rock with regards to all of these rebrands -- I had never noticed any of them! Neat stuff, regardless.
Exactly -- I guess it only took eleven years for someone to finally be excited about visiting "The Hut," haha!
DeleteLOL!! Ur comment had me lmao. <3 it.
Glad you liked the post, and ha, "call me Patrick Star" is a new one for me -- definitely gonna start using that XD
Not sure why I can no longer login properly to comment, but great post nonetheless! For sure Auto Shack was a very established name in the early 80's. My high school friends and I all thought it was kind of odd they were going to have to change their name. Turned out to be a very good fit, with neat slogan to go along with it.
ReplyDeleteJust think: Had hh gregg tried out "the gregg", or Gordmans gone with "The Mans", both might be thriving retail entities today XD Not so sure "The Us" would have worked out very well however for Toys R Us!
Thank you! (And sorry about the login issues -- Blogger changed something and it seems others have had that problem also.) I had no idea about AutoShack. That's kind of surprising their rebrand was so successful, if the Shack name had already been well-established. I was thinking perhaps it hadn't been around long and so they really didn't make it big until the AutoZone name came into the picture.
DeleteYes, obviously, those names would have been gamechangers for those chains!! "The Mans" would be only the coolest place to go and shop XD I was trying to think of another dead retailer's name to butcher, but in fact I actually think "The Source" might've been kinda cool for Payless :P
Got to love the bright ideas of executives sometimes.
ReplyDeleteYup, haha!