For this edition of "Beyond the Mid-South," I thought it would be fun -- especially in this current age of limited travel -- to revisit my July 2016 visit to one of the coolest places on earth, the American Sign Museum in Cincinnati. If you've never been, I highly recommend it! But for the time being, you can get a feel for it from my photos below. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, for the most part. Please enjoy!
Starting off outside. The man on the ladder is simply painted on the wall. Wile E. Coyote level precision! |
There is a tour, but you're also allowed to wander around and get a bunch of photos. Which clearly, I did. |
I found the schematics for the McDonald's sign almost as fascinating as the sign itself. You'll be seeing more of the sign throughout the post. I circled back to it several times. |
There was a little "downtown" area with recreated storefronts like this. Not all signs in the museum are neon, but most are. |
Yes, the cars do spin around the globe! |
As a DeSoto County resident I quite liked this sign :) |

Unless it was legitimately called "Kroger's" back then I cannot excuse the apostrophe-S |
These were some of the best low-light photos my old phone ever took. |
I loved this sign! Or series of signs, as it were. |
Outside the building are several signs that are either awaiting restoration or are too big to fit inside the building (even with as large as the space is). It is my understanding that they periodically obtain and/or restore new signs to add to the collection inside the museum. |

Until next time, have fun exploring the retail world wherever you are!
Retail Retell